Large module ceiling panels for big spaces

Large module ceiling panels for big spaces

Asona is often approached by architects to use their experience and ingenuity in solving arising issues in new builds such as the case when architects Tennent Brown invited Asona to develop a solution to control the reverberation and span the vast interior ceiling spaces of the new Nga Purapura complex in Otaki.

Large module ceiling panels for big spaces

Asona is often approached by architects to use their experience and ingenuity in solving arising issues in new builds such as the case when architects Tennent Brown invited Asona to develop a solution to control the reverberation and span the vast interior ceiling spaces of the new Nga Purapura complex in Otaki. Incorporating two indoor sports courts, a cardio and resistance gym, nutrition training kitchen, classrooms, administration and academic offices, the scale of the areas would dwarf any standard ceiling panel so Asona developed and manufactured over-sized Triton 40 Sports ceiling panels (2500x1200mm) with a top-hat fixing to create a negative edge detail between the panels which breaks up the uniformity. Once in place the scale of the panels blended beautifully, adding to the buildings mana whilst the impact resistant facing can deal with the day to day usage. In the foyer with its Nohopuku (reflective space) and the classrooms, administration and academic offices, Triton 25 large module ceiling panels are used to ensure the acoustic levels are kept in check whilst being sympathetic to the over all look & feel of the development. Asona is proud to be part of this project which delivers a new type of learning centre focused on the aim of Wananga to deliver sports, nutrition and lifestyle learning in an environment that embraces the wider community and gives expression to Tihanga Maori.