Light weight Asona ceilings a boon for seismic risk zones.

Light weight Asona ceilings a boon for seismic risk zones.

As New Zealand’s leading manufacturer of light weight soft fibre ceiling panels, Asona is uniquely positioned to supply a locally produced, environmentally efficient solution to the commercial ceilings market.

Light weight Asona ceilings a boon for seismic risk zones.

As New Zealand’s leading manufacturer of light weight soft fibre ceiling panels, Asona is uniquely positioned to supply a locally produced, environmentally efficient solution to the commercial ceilings market. Light weight ceiling panels such as Asona’s Triton, Monopanel and Avant series are ideal for earthquake zones.

When the panels weigh only 1.1 to 2.5 kg/m2 there is less load on the structure, bracing costs are reduced saving time on site and in the event of a ceiling suspension failure the soft fibre composition means there is a lower risk of impact injury compared to hard mineral or other high-density materials. With Asona’s light weight soft fibre you can also cover more ceiling space with less material, for example one tonne of locally recycled glass waste can be converted into 900 sq.m of Asona Avant 25mm deep ceiling panels.

That’s up to 300% more ceiling than a tonne of imported wet felt mineral fibre panels and 800% more ceiling than a tonne of gypsum panels.

We are also blessed in NZ with the second highest level of renewable energy production in the world at over 70%, this means less carbon is produced compared to overseas manufactured ceiling panels where coal, oil and gas are the primary energy sources. The panels provide good thermal insulation and are available with an optional aluminium foil backing to reflect radiant heat and provide a moisture barrier to the back of the panels.

We believe that Asona’s NZ made light weight glass fibre panels are the most material and energy efficient ceiling panels on the market.