Gulf Harbour Country Club

Gulf Harbour Country Club

North Auckland’s Gulf Harbour Country Club approached Asona to resolve an acoustic problem they were having with their conservatory which leads off from the main club lounge.

Gulf Harbour Country Club

North Auckland’s Gulf Harbour Country Club approached Asona to resolve an acoustic problem they were having with their conservatory which leads off from the main club lounge. Both the high levels of reverberation and the intense glare off the glass walls and ceiling was making the area unusable. As the club did not want to impede the natural light and as there was not enough wall space that could be utilised, Asona suggested using their AO-Gami system which would gently filter the light, provide acoustic balance and provide a sculptural element to the over-all space. AO-Gami is made from 3ply fire resistant acoustic paper , shaped into different sized cylinders, glued together in groupings and suspended from main support wires. The result is light airy and surprisingly good at controlling the reverberation.