Northcross Community Church, Oteha

Northcross Community Church, Oteha

The refurbished Northcross Community Church Auditorium had high reverberation problems and a lot of
structural bracing & exposed conduits.

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Asona Triton Baffle Beam™

Northcross Community Church, Oteha

The refurbished Northcross Community Church Auditorium had high reverberation problems and a lot of structural bracing & exposed conduits. Mfive Projects selected Asona’s Baffle Beams™, used both as sound absorbing fins and acoustic ceiling strips in the reception & lounge areas and for the walls of the auditorium, custom made & fitted Fabwall™ panels in 40, 100 & 150mm thicknesses were aesthetically worked in and around the exposed services and bracings to create a cohesive over-all interior.